5 Tips for Overcoming the Monday Blues

For many of us, it’s a love-hate relationship with Monday. While we’re grateful to have a job to pay the bills, 48 hours away from the desk is never quite long enough. Even if you love your job, going from weekend to work mode can be difficult. Fortunately, with a little planning (and a strong cup of coffee) you’ll be back to the work grind in no time. Here are five easy ways to turn your Monday from dreadful to successful.
- Adopt a Friday routine.
With the weekend temptatiously calling, it’s easy to dash out the door when five o’clock hits. But the key to a great Monday actually begins on Friday. Take a few minutes on Friday afternoon to list your projects for the following week, organize your workspace, and tie up any loose ends. Not only will this clear your head so you can enjoy the weekend, it will also allow you to hit the ground running come Monday morning.
- Fuel your body
Tired and hungry is no way to start any day of the week, let alone Monday. Help your body help you – go to bed early on Sunday night and don’t skip breakfast the next morning. Consider starting the day with a quick workout—this will release endorphins and leave you feeling happier and more energized as you head into the workweek.
- Early bird gets the worm
We’ve all experienced the Monday morning scramble – frantically rushing around the house to get ready for the day. Believe it or not, this can increase your stress levels and put a damper on your day before it’s really even begun. Give yourself extra time on Monday morning. You’ll beat rush-hour traffic (Hawaii gridlock is a headache in and of itself) and have more time to transition to a workweek mindset.
- Devise a weekly game plan
Go through the list you made on the previous Friday. What projects are due this week? Which items require more attention? Are there any assignments behind schedule? Prioritizing and plotting out your weekly workload will keep you on track should unexpected projects surface.
- Always begin with a positive attitude
How you choose to feel on Monday is entirely up to you, so why not start the week on a positive note? Seek to find the good in every situation and you’ll find it much easier to overcome workplace challenges and setbacks. A positive attitude doesn’t cost a thing and can give you the much needed momentum to power through the week.
There’s no arguing that Mondays get a bad rap. However, if you find yourself kicking and screaming every morning, ask yourself if you just have a bad case of the Mondays or if maybe it’s time to find a new job.