It Was Great Seeing You at the Star-Advertiser Hawaii Career Expo!

Hi all, Steve Yeti here! I want to give a big shout out to everyone who stopped by our booth at the Star-Advertiser Career Expo a few weeks ago. It was my first time attending a career fair, and it was awesome. I met a lot of quality jobseekers and the entire Real Jobs team really enjoyed talking with each and every one of you. We even had a drawing and gave away a $100 Aloha Gas gift card to one lucky jobseeker!
After going to a career fair, it’s easy to feel like you’ve done your quota of job searching for the month and lose momentum. But I encourage you to stay motivated and keep up the good work!
One tip I want to share with you is to follow up with the employers that you met with at the expo – whether it’s a quick call or email. Thank them for talking with you and express your interest in working with their company. Not only will this show that your gratitude for their time, it will also keep your name fresh on their mind. Also, be sure to log on to Real Jobs Hawaii frequently – companies are adding new jobs all the time.
Hope to see you all soon! Connect with me on Facebook or Twitter to find out where I’ll be next and be sure to come by and say hi. Happy Job hunting!