The Do’s and Don’ts of Surviving Job Rejection

It’s safe to say that most jobseekers are all too familiar with the feeling of being turned down after an interview— it’s an unfortunate reality that comes with the territory of looking for a new position. That said, being rejected for a job can be very upsetting. Therapists even compare it to the feeling of being jilted by a prospective lover!
As a jobseeker, you must be able to overcome rejection. Letting a failed interview knock your confidence, make you doubt your abilities, or worse, lead you to act out unprofessionally could negatively affect your performance in future interviews or your chances of securing additional interviews at all.
Below we’ve compiled a list of 10 things to help you survive a job rejection. The next time you receive a “thanks, but no thanks” from a company, refer back to these tips and make sure you don’t act out in a way that could hurt your search for a new position.
- Don’t take it personally.
- Do keep it in perspective – employers weigh many considerations when recruiting staff and these factors are beyond your control.
- Don’t get angry.
- Do process your emotions and keep a positive attitude.
- Don’t dwell on the rejection.
- Do identify opportunities for improvement, focus on your strengths…and then move on to the next opportunity with confidence
- Don’t write a bad review about the employer or send a nasty email.
- Do thank your interviewer for their time and ask for feedback.
- Don’t stop looking for a job.
- Do stay motivated and focused…but remember that it’s okay to take a break to refresh and re-energize.
Ready to jump back into the job hunt? We have hundreds of great positions posted on our site – check them out!