The Blog
How to Use Social Media to Land Your Dream Job
Standing out as a candidate in today’s job market goes beyond a perfect resume or compelling cover letter. While these things are important, jobseekers must also ensure they have a positive, professional online presence in order to make a good impression. Just consider the fact that 52 percent of employers use social networking sites to research job candidates. With that in mind, here are a few ways to utilize social media to your advantage during your job hunt.
Grow your network & join the right groups
Social media is meant for connecting with others, so use your accounts to network with individuals and companies that can push you in the right direction during your job search.
LinkedIn: Make connections with your classmates, coworkers, supervisors, and professional acquaintances. Just remember that quality is more important than quantity. Avoid connecting with people you don’t really … Read More »
What It’s Like to Work at Hawaii Dental Service
People working in dental services will always be popular with Steve T. Yeti.
4 Ways to Improve Your Hiring Process in 2016
Thanks to Hawaii’s low unemployment rate, employers throughout the state are finding it difficult to recruit good talent. Still, there are ways your company can combat this war on talent and come out on top. As we finish out the first month of 2016, take some time to review your hiring process to ensure that it’s working for, not against, your business. As you do this, consider these four questions and make improvements as necessary.
When was the last time you went through your application process?
One of the easiest ways to send a candidate running is a long, confusing, or mysterious application process. To understand what jobseekers are going through, go apply for a position at your company and take note of how it went. Or talk to a recent candidate and ask them for their feedback. Take this into consideration and … Read More »