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5 Things You Should Never, Ever Do at an Interview
While every jobseeker obviously has their own interview style, there are some things that you should never, ever do when you show up to meet with a hiring manager. Remember that your qualifications aren’t the only thing that the potential employer will be looking at – they’re also analyzing whether or not you are someone that will fit into their culture and be nice to work with.
Take a look at these 5 things that will make you look undesirable as a future employee and steer clear at all costs.
Bringing gifts to the hiring manager. Yes, you want to stand out from the crowd at your interview, but showing up with a gift in hand will only make the hiring manager feel uncomfortable. Or worse, it will look like you’re kissing up to your future boss and aren’t a professional candidate.
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What it’s Like to Work at Highway Inn
Hawaiian food is not like traditional yeti fare. It’s way better. The people who work at Highway Inn make all the difference.
5 Terrible Interview Questions to Avoid Asking
Illegal questions are not the only ones you should steer clear of during an interview. You should also avoid asking those all-too-popular, yet impractical questions that will result in overly-rehearsed, fake responses from the applicant. Make sure you choose the best person for the job by avoiding these 5 terrible interview questions:
Tell me about yourself. The problem with this widely used question is that there’s no telling what type of response you’ll get or if it will even provide you with useful information. So instead, just be direct and ask the specific things that you want/need to know about the candidate in order to make a hiring decision.
What is your greatest weakness? This cliché question rarely elicits useful information. The fact is, if you’re asking the right questions, the candidate’s weaknesses are going to be revealed during your conversation. Plus, … Read More »