The Blog
How to Work With People You Dislike
You can choose the friends and companions in your personal life, but you probably don’t have a whole lot of say about the people you work with. Since the majority of your week is probably spent at work, coming across someone in the office who you don’t get along with can be a nightmare.
So what can you do if you find yourself in this situation? You could look for a new job, though it would be unwise to quit an otherwise good job over a single individual. Instead, we suggest you look over these five tips for dealing with a coworker you dislike.
Manage your expectations
Often times, we dislike others because they don’t meet our own expectations. The truth of the matter is that our expectations are not always realistic, especially when it comes to the people we work with. Just … Read More »
What It’s Like to Work at The Pig & The Lady
The Pig & The Lady show Steve T. Yeti why working at their restaurant is pretty amazing for passionate food lovers.
5 Signs You’re Not Paying Your Employees Enough
As a business owner, you know that money doesn’t grow on trees and perhaps being penny-wise has pushed your company to where it is today. Though money is not always the sole or top motivator for employees, it still represents a significant portion of the job satisfaction pie. Pinching pennies when it comes to your employees’ pay never truly pays off and can often cost your company more in the long run – think high turnover, low productivity, and poor employee morale. So how can you tell that you may not be paying your employees enough? Take a look below at these five tell-tale signs:
Employee griping and complaining
Being underpaid often ranks high on the list of things employees hate about their job. Do your best to be mindful of any griping – especially if it’s coming from your top performers. … Read More »