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4 Tips for Managing Millennials
Did you know that Millennials have surpassed Generation X to become the largest generation in the American workforce? As an employer, it’s important to understand what this group of workers are looking for in a position in order to attract the best of them to your company. And even though many believe this generation to be entitled and demanding in the workplace, other companies are realizing that millennials can be a creative, tech-savvy, and resourceful addition to their team.
Here are four things you should know about managing millennials and what it will take to keep them engaged and productive.
Don’t slack on providing leadership and guidance
A notable characteristic of this generation is their desire for (and expectation of) lots of feedback from their leaders—including coaching, communication, and mentoring. Millennials want to look up to their directors and learn from them. Managers should expect … Read More »
Is Your Resume Holding You Back? Avoid These 5 Mistakes
Your resume is the first impression you leave with a potential employer, and that impression determines whether or not you get a shot at an interview. Since most hiring managers spend 30 seconds or less reviewing a resume before deciding whether to throw it in the rubbish bin or not, your focus should be on ensuring that your resume effectively grabs the attention of the hiring manager in that short window of time.
To improve your chances of standing out from the crowd and landing an interview, make sure your resume isn’t guilty of these five common mistakes.
Mistake #1: Sacrificing quality for quantity. With stacks of resumes to look through, hiring managers need to be able to quickly identify whether or not you’re a match for their position. Flooding your resume with your entire work history will only make it difficult for … Read More »
How to Rock Your Next Networking Event
If you’re going to attend a networking event, make it worth your time. Simply showing up and passing out as many business cards as humanly possible is not going to benefit your career in any way. Your networking goal should be to provide value to each interaction – and that means being purposeful and strategic about both the type of networking gatherings you chose to attend as well as the conversations you have while you’re there.
If you’re looking for ways to step up your networking game, take a look at these 6 tips that will help you make the most of your next networking event:
Have a plan
Before you arrive at the function, take some time to do a little recon work. Do a quick Google search to research some of the key players or presenters who will be attending. Taking … Read More »