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6 Signs that Your Cover Letter is Missing the Mark
Cover letters don’t exist simply to torture you – hiring managers use them as a tool to gain more insight into why you’re right for the job. You should view this piece of paper as an additional way to impress your potential employer, land the interview, and ultimately, get the job you’ve always dreamt about.
That said, there are a number of ways that you can miss the mark when it comes to creating an effective cover letter. So before you submit that application, take a look at these 6 signs that your cover letter is doomed for the rejection pile and, well, don’t do them.
Using the same cover letter for every job and company. Not only should you tailor every cover letter to the position you are applying for, you should also make sure to address the letter to the … Read More »
20 Questions You Cannot Ask During an Interview
Here in Hawaii, it’s common to ask someone what school they went to and what year they graduated within the first few minutes of meeting. It’s the fastest way for us to make a personal connection. And it’s likely that that person across from you has a cousin, sibling, or friend in common with you.
In the realm of recruiting and hiring, however, innocent questions such as these could expose your business to legal claims of discrimination. Why? Because knowing when a job applicant graduated from high school gives you a pretty good idea of how old that person is, and federal law prohibits employers from making hiring decisions based on age. It also prohibits discrimination based on: disability, equal pay / compensation, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race / color, religion, retaliation, sex, and sexual harassment.
As you sort through applications … Read More »
How to Get Voted “Most Likable Coworker”
Working in an office where people like you is obviously better than the alternative. When you spend 40+ hours a week with the same people, having friends in the office will go a long way in how much you enjoy your work. In fact, one study found that when you have three or more good friends at work, you’re 96% more likely to be satisfied with life.
Whether you work in a large, open environment with hundreds of coworkers, or a small office with just a handful of peers, there are some gestures that will be appreciated in every setting and help you win friends. Here are a few tips on how to become the office’s most likable coworker.
Remember names (and birthdays). Make a conscious effort to remember names and special occasions of your coworkers—especially those that you work with every day. … Read More »